NTT and IP Infusion Announce 400G IOWN Network Solution
NTT and IP Infusion unveil high-speed, low-power IOWN network solution.


The rapid increase in power consumption has become a social issue as the data amount in data centers increases due to the development and spread usage of generative AI and machine learning.Insight
This solution allows customers such as data center operators and telecommunication carriers to construct simple and lower-cost inter-data center networks based on 400G ZR/ZR+ for high-speed and long-distance transmission.The NTT Group will continue to work with global partners to release IOWN products as soon as possible and contribute to advance the customer networks. By implementing IOWN, which is a next-generation communication platform with high capacity, low latency, and low-power consumption, we will contribute to realize a well-being society.
Takehiko Kawazoe, Senior Executive Vice President, NTT