Dataduct Networks Integrates Cutting-Edge Solution for Municipal Nova Scotia Broadband Fiber Network with IP Infusion and FONEX
Canada’s largest open-access rural networks upgraded with advanced routing and switching layers to enhance performance and resilience


The upgrade introduces advanced networking capabilities, including Ethernet VPN (EVPN) and Segment Routing MPLS (SR-MPLS) ensuring rapid failover during network disruptions and significantly reducing downtime.Insight
IP Infusion’s software powered the deployment of SR-MPLS, enhancing overall network resilience while reducing operational burdens on Dataduct Networks’ engineering teams.This project demonstrates the importance of selecting the right software to tackle complex networking challenges and secure long-term operational success. As a market leader, we found IP Infusion, with FONEX’s support, to be the ideal long-term partner for this deployment.
Richard Bourret, CEO of Dataduct Networks