Citynet Upgrades Backbone Network To IP Infusion
Central municipal services provider for the town of Hall in Tirol, Austria upgrades from Cisco to OcNOS and Edgecore Networks for 100Gbps backbone network.


Finding limited upgrade options and high prices, service provider Citynet turned to an open networking solution.Insight
Citynet owns and services a 100Gbps backbone across Europe. They provide complete internet services for residential and business consumers. IP Infusion and open networking provides an upgrade path to service immediate problems, but provide a growing platform for any future needs.IP Infusion’s industry-standard CLI aided the transition immensely. The OcNOS feature set is extensive, and the product roadmap is compelling and timely. Their great after-sales support was appreciated in aiding the upgrade process.
Matthias Feistmantl, Senior Network Operations Engineer and Architect for Citynet