Network Operating Systems Showdown: OcNOS vs. Proprietary & Open Source Options

The network operating system (NOS) landscape is transforming. Are you considering OcNOS, community SONIC, Commercial SONIC, or even sticking with proprietary solutions? This blog unpacks the key differences to help you choose the right one for your network.

Key Takeaways:

  • OcNOS vs. Commercial SONIC: OcNOS stands out with dedicated support, clear accountability, and a customer-driven roadmap. Commercial SONIC’s distributed support, community-driven roadmap, and lack of advanced routing functionalities might not align with diverse network needs.
  • OcNOS vs. Proprietary: OcNOS offers openness, flexibility, and cost-efficiency without sacrificing support, features, or control. Unlike vendor lock-in and inflexible roadmaps of proprietary solutions, OcNOS empowers you to build a future-proof network with broader hardware choices and customer-driven development.
  • OcNOS vs. Community SONIC: OcNOS provides production-ready solutions and reliable 24/7 support, while community SONIC requires DIY integration and lacks a single point of responsibility. OcNOS’ comprehensive feature set, including advanced routing, surpasses community SONIC’s hyperscale-focused capabilities.

Network Operating Systems Showdown

Additional Points:

  • Cost: OcNOS’ transparent perpetual licensing and streamlined support minimize long-term costs, while hidden expenses and community support reliance can inflate Commercial SONIC’s total cost of ownership.
  • Network Unification: OcNOS simplifies management with a single platform for data center edge, wireless, and wireline networks, while others NOS options require juggling multiple OSes to support different networks.
  • Lead Times: Both OcNOS and Commercial SONIC offer wider ecosystems and vendor independence, giving you control over procurement schedules.

Network Operating Systems Showdown

The Verdict:

OcNOS emerges as a compelling choice for network operators seeking a powerful, reliable, and open network foundation. Its production-ready nature, comprehensive features, user-centric approach, and clear accountability make it ideal for building agile, efficient, and future-proof networks.

This is Blog 4 in the series “Whispers of Change”. You can read the first three blogs here:

Blog #1: Two Paths to Open Networking: A Comparison of OcNOS and Commercial SONiC

Blog #2: Breaking Free without Compromise: OcNOS and the Proprietary Network Operating Systems – A Comparative Exploration

Blog #3: So You’re Considering SONiC: Why OcNOS Could Be Your Network’s Missing Piece

Learn More about OcNOS Solutions:

Latest Data Center Case Studies: Scott Data Center Case Study: Revolutionizing Data Center Infrastructure

Latest Data Center Press Releases: Madeo Consultant Replaces Cisco Switches with IP Infusion Software and Open Networking

OcNOS Features and Supported Platforms:

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Victor Khen is the Partner Marketing Manager for IP Infusion.